RMBI Care Co. residents learn to “bee” more conscious on World Bee Day

23 May 2024

RMBI Care Co. residents learn to “bee” more conscious on World Bee Day

To mark World Bee Day in May, residents and staff at RMBI Care Co. Homes have recently enjoyed a fulfilled week of bee-themed activities.

At Prince George Duke of Kent Court, in Chislehurst, residents gathered recycled materials to design and create a huge beehive and enjoyed a honey tasting session during their bee themed week.

Meanwhile at Shannon Court, in Hindhead, Surrey, residents have planted seeds to create a wild garden at the Home to attract bees, and they enjoyed creating bee-decorated mobiles using natural materials such as wood, string and pine cones.

Resident Daphne Coole proudly presents a bee mobile created by residents at Shannon Court, in Hindhead, Surrey, using natural materials.

Further north at Queen Elizabeth Court, in Llandudno, residents and staff invited a local beekeeper to the Home. They had the opportunity to see a beehive up close and learned about the different varieties of bees and their jobs in the hive.

Diane Connor, Activities Coordinator at Prince George Duke of Kent Court, says: “We’re always keen to involve both residents and staff in our activities; this helps to raise spirits and creates a buzz around the care home. We learned a lot about bees through these different activities and how important they are for the future of our planet.”

Residents Len Willis and Doreen Bangerter help paint a giant beehive made of recycled materials as part of the Home’s bee activities at Prince George Duke of Kent Court, in Chislehurst.

The UN designated 20 May as World Bee Day to raise awareness of the importance of bees and other pollinators, the threats they face, and their contribution to a sustainable environment.

Residents and staff across the charity’s 17 care homes are taking part in a number of environmental activities as part of RMBI Care Co.’s sustainable strategy. This includes goals to reduce the charity’s carbon footprint by half by 2029 and become carbon neutral by 2030. An Environmental and Safety Support Group, comprised of staff throughout the charity, are being called upon to become ‘environmental links’ to help engage and lead sustainable activities in their care homes.

[Summary: To mark World Bee Day in May, residents and staff at RMBI Care Co. Homes enjoyed a fulfilled week of bee-themed activities. The UN designated 20 May as World Bee Day to raise awareness of the importance of bees and other pollinators, the threats they face, and their contribution to a sustainable environment. Residents and staff across the charity’s 17 care homes are also taking part in environmental activities as part of RMBI Care Co.’s sustainable strategy.]

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