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Gender Pay Gap Report

At The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Care Company (RMBI Care Co.) we care for older Freemasons, their families and people in the wider community by providing residential care, nursing care and residential dementia support, and short stay breaks. 

RMBI Care Co. is required to publish an annual gender pay gap report in line with the standard methodologies used in the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. This statement provides our pay data as at 5 April 2023 and is provided from 1,087 members of staff at 17 residential care home locations across England and Wales and at head office in London with national and regional support roles. 

Our data is shown in the following report and is presented in three ways: our hourly paid front line care and support staff, our salaried staff (which includes a range of roles) and as a whole company. 

Download our gender pay gap report


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