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Grants support for Freemasons

RMBI Care Co., are expanding our support for older Freemasons, their dependants and family members in the Provinces of Cheshire*, Cumberland & Westmorland*, East Lancashire and West Lancashire.

Our new, dedicated adviser can provide information, advice and support with matters relating to older persons’ services and care homes, such as

  • how to find a service or care home to suit your needs;
  • what to look for and questions to ask for when visiting care homes; and
  • how care home funding works.
*An annual charitable grant is also available to qualifying Cheshire and Cumberland & Westmorland Freemasons, their dependants, parents, grandparents and certain other family members, who are in receipt of Local Authority funding and required to pay top-up fees. (contact us for more information)

To be eligible for a grant, applicants must be:

a) A qualifying Freemason or dependant of a Freemason.
b) In receipt of funding for care from a Local Authority.
c) Normally living within one of the Provinces.

Applications from Members of the Province living elsewhere may also be considered.

Amounts are based on the Local Authority fees and vary between Provinces.

Contact us for more information on the amounts available for your Province.


Contact us

For advice and support, please email or call 07717 019752.

View our sample leaflet

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