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Cadogan Court, Exeter

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Cadogan Court
CQC overall rating

Your Care Rating is an independent annual survey, giving residents and their families the opportunity to provide feedback about our services.

Explore our rating

Cadogan Court, Exeter

The staff are always caring and welcoming. Mum’s room is always nice and spotlessly clean. Overall a very good place for Mum.

Son of a resident at Cadogan Court

Situated along the outskirts of the historic city of Exeter, Cadogan Court is surrounded by landscaped gardens and stunning views over the city and Cathedral. The Home provides residential care, nursing and residential dementia support. We can support up to 70 residents with permanent care or short stay respite breaks.

Our residents’ health and wellbeing is our top priority. We’re here to help people live well in later life.

– Clare Walker, Home Manager

Residents can benefit from:

  • Our inner courtyard with two patio areas with flower beds for keen gardeners to plant and maintain.
  • Dementia House with a private garden and assistive technology including a SMART TV for reminiscence activities, dementia friendly signage, adaptive lighting and a call bell system with passive infrared sensors.
  • We host regular activities such as arts and craft classes, games, cooking and baking sessions, and have our very own Cadogan Arms pub.
  • Our minibus supports residents to stay connected with their communities, from trips to the beach and the city centre and beautiful places of interest.

Download our brochure


Access to GP & dentist

Access to physiotherapy & chiropodist

End of life care

Wifi available

video call icon

Video calls available

Shared rooms available

Food and Nutrition

Exterior building at Cadogan Court, Exeter.


Cadogan Court can support up to 48 people in five residential areas of our Home. In the Dementia House we can support up to 11 people and in the Nursing area, we have a capacity of 11 residents. We use a staff dependency tool to determine the agreed staffing levels for each area of our Home, which varies upon our residents’ needs at any given time. These levels are monitored and reviewed regularly so staffing ratios can be adjusted according to the needs of our residents.

Care fees

Sweet shop at Cadogan CourtOpen area at Cadogan Court

How to apply

If you would like to know more about living or staying at Cadogan Court, please contact our Business Relationships Manager, Chloe Halford, on 01392 251436 or email

Bedroom at Cadogan Court, Exeter.View of Exeter at Cadogan Court, Exeter.

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Contact us directly

Cadogan Court

Barley Lane,

Exeter, Devon


01392 251436

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