Shannon Court staff experience first-hand what it feels like to live with dementia

9 May 2023

Shannon Court staff experience first-hand what it feels like to live with dementia

Above: Shannon Court’s Activities Coordinator Kate Beauchemin (left), Business Relationship Manager Tim Waters (centre) and Care Support Worker Jaki Ranson (right) with the Dementia Bus, where they received dementia training and experienced what it might feel like to live with dementia.

Staff at Shannon Court, in Surrey, have reinforced their commitment to care for and support residents living with dementia. The Virtual Dementia Tour recently arrived at the care home for a one-off training session, in which 30 staff members had the opportunity to get on the Dementia Bus and experience what it feels like to live with this condition.

While on the bus, the staff wore headsets, glasses and gloves to alter their perception and be transported into the sensory experience of people living with dementia, who are often trying to function in an environment that is difficult for them to connect to. Afterwards, they attended a session where they shared their thoughts and brainstormed about how they can improve their support to the residents at the Home.

Tim Waters, Shannon Court’s Business Relationship Manager, went on the Dementia Bus. He said:

It’s been really useful and eye-opening. When we support our residents, we are on the outside of the person’s mind, whereas this experience gave me a preview of what is going on in the inside.

The training opportunity, provided by Training2care, was made possible following a donation from the Jubilee Masters Centenary Trust. Among other charitable activities, this organisation provides financial support for staff training for older people’s care. Russell Race, Chairman of the Trustees, said:

For us, the most important thing is that the staff receive the very best training, and we know the training of the Home’s staff in dementia care is specially relevant.

The Virtual Dementia Tour will be arriving at RMBI Care Co. Homes across England and Wales to provide one-off dementia training sessions and strengthen the staff’s skills to care for and support their residents living with dementia.

[Summary: Thirty staff members at Shannon Court, in Surrey, had the opportunity to get on the Dementia Bus and experience what it feels like to live with dementia. The staff wore headsets, glasses and gloves to alter their perception and be transported into the sensory experience of people living with this condition.]

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