Friendly horses bring smiles to Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court’s residents

13 October 2023

Friendly horses bring smiles to Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court’s residents

Residents at Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court in Braintree, Essex were delighted when three friendly horses came to visit. Residents were all smiles when Louis, a shire horse, Teddy, an ex-racehorse and Django, a thoroughbred gypsy cob arrived at the Home.

Owner Beccy Lawrence accompanied by Evie Lawrence and Mali Brown led the horses all around the Home so that residents could pet and stroke him. They even stopped off at some residents’ rooms so that they could be introduced.

The benefits of spending time with animals for older people are immense. Research has shown that having something to pet or touch can result in lower blood pressure, better heart rate and reduced stress. Pets can provide emotional stability during stressful situations, helping to reduce anxiety and depression.

The visit also proved to be wonderful for residents with dementia at Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court, as it helped to spark conversation and reminiscence.

Sophie George, the Home’s Activities Coordinator, said:

It was wonderful to see the residents’ faces light up when the horses came around and into the garden! They brought joy and calmness to our residents, which is beneficial for their mental health and wellbeing.

[Summary: Residents at Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court in Essex were delighted when three friendly horses came to visit.]

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