13 September 2021
Residents at Lord Harris Court, in Berkshire, recently laced up their trainers and enjoyed taking part in a series of games on their Sports Day. The Home’s staff safely arranged activities for everyone to have a fun-packed afternoon, such as the egg and spoon race, hook a duck in a paddling pool, target games, and even a sack race.
Residents Angela Walmsley, Ann Green, Coral McGuillvray and Joan Parr loved taking part in this activity. They say:
We all agreed that the Sports Day has been a great success. Our fellow resident Roy Gyngell was declared the winner and received a gold medal, and then we all had a lovely cream tea!
Residents Coral McGuillvray and Angela King engage in a hook a duck game while resident Irene Muggeridge and staff member Neus Amoros cheer on them.
Tracey Esteve, one of the Home’s Activities Coordinators, says:
We had originally planned to hold the special event outside, but the weather wasn’t the best. However, the rain did not stop us, so we held our games indoors as our residents were determined to take part in Lord Harris Court’s Sports Day.