25 October 2022
Residents at Scarbrough Court in Cramlington, Northumberland, were delighted this week when a little therapy pony came to visit. Residents were all smiles when Cartier, a beautiful, chestnut pinto American miniature pony, arrived at the Home.
Katy Smith, owner of K & L Pony Therapy, led Cartier all around Scarbrough Court so that residents could pet and stroke him. They even stopped off at some residents’ rooms so that they could be introduced.
The benefits of spending time with animals for older people are immense. Research has shown that having something to pet or touch can result in lower blood pressure, better heart rate and reduced stress. Pets can provide emotional stability during stressful situations, helping to reduce anxiety and depression.
The visit also proved to be wonderful for residents with dementia at Scarbrough Court, as it helped to spark conversation and reminiscence.
Stacey Hunter, one of the Home’s Activities Coordinators, said:
Cartier made everyone smile and relaxed as he loved resting his head on people’s laps or in their arms. Our residents loved meeting him and hearing all about him from Katy. It was a lovely day which certainly lifted everyone’s spirits!
100 year old resident Eddy Curry said:
It was such a pleasant surprise when Cartier came to visit, such a wonderful creature! He enjoyed being petted and also enjoyed the sneaky apple I gave to him. I just love animal visits as they make me so happy.
[Summary: Residents at Scarbrough Court in Cramlington, Northumberland, were delighted when a little therapy pony came to visit. Residents were all smiles when Cartier, a beautiful, chestnut pinto American miniature horse, arrived at the Home.]