Sustainability Statement

RMBI Care Co. provides residential and nursing care, and dementia support across England and Wales. We have been caring for older people for over 180 years and today we support over 1,000 residents across 17 care homes.

Our environmental statement covers all of our building estate and operations including care homes, head office, company vehicles and business travel.

We are aware of the local and wider environmental impacts of our operations and understand that the effects of climate change are greatest on people in vulnerable circumstances, including people in our care. We are committed to reducing our impact across our building estate and activities.

In particular we will:

  • Comply with all applicable environmental legislation and reporting requirements. We will ensure we have processes in place to enable accurate and regular monitoring and reporting of all our energy, transport and waste data.
  • Calculate and declare our environmental impact (carbon footprint) in our annual report. As a minimum we will report on our energy consumption and emissions as well as burning of other fuels (including those related to heating and travel).
  • Communicate our impacts and environmental commitment to staff, residents, contractors and suppliers and engage staff in our environmental agenda through regular updates, practical initiatives and cross-organisational collaboration. We will also work closely with our parent charity MCF to do this.
  • Actively monitor and minimise consumption of resources across our buildings, including energy and water. We will reduce waste and increase re-use and recycling. We will also declare our commitment to address plastic pollution and reduce where possible disposable items.
  • Prevent unnecessary pollution from running diesel generators, refrigerants (cooling equipment) and vehicles and identify opportunities for switching to alternatives.
  • Work closely with staff and suppliers to improve the impact of our supply chain through the introduction of environmental conditions in new contracts and through produce procurement standards.
  • Provide appropriate energy management, environmental and sustainability training to staff and integrate discussions into health and safety meetings and support cross-organisational knowledge sharing.
  • Continue to ensure sustainable transport options and supporting facilities are available and promoted to staff and visitors wherever possible.
  • Monitor and actively work to improve facilities and initiatives to promote the wellbeing of staff and residents.
  • Ensure that the energy hierarchy (be lean, be clean, be green) is applied for all new build and refurbishment projects. All new developments will include a detailed energy assessment with associated targets for carbon dioxide emissions reduction to be met on-site.
  • Maintain and implement an environmental strategy and action plan to ensure delivery of our environmental objectives.

This policy will be reviewed annually by Directors Group and the Board of Trustees.

Reviewed 23/01/2023

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