8 March 2022
As a nation, it is estimated we each eat around 36 pies a year on average. Most of us can’t resist a homemade pie and to mark British Pie Week from 7-13 March, residents at Harry Priestley House in Thorne, Doncaster made their favourite pie recipes.
Staff members at the care home organised a baking session, where some of the residents shared their favourite recipes and made mince and onions pies, cheese and onion pies and apple pies for those who fancied a sweet treat.
Home Manager, Anne Stobart, said:
Food plays an important part in our care home and our residents thoroughly enjoy getting involved in food related events. British Pie Week provides a great opportunity to bring our residents together through their mutual love of food.
[Summary: Residents at Harry Priestley House in Thorne, Doncaster made their favourite pie recipes to celebrate British Pie Week]