18 April 2024
Above: : Resident Dilys Waddington proudly poses with Dolly Parton after a thorough grooming session at Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court, in Porthcawl.
Dilys Waddington, who lives at Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court, in Porthcawl, has always been fond of dogs. She has owned dogs all her life, and has bred and groomed many others. Once her daughters had grown up, Dilys took on grooming lessons, and ended up grooming her own dogs and other people’s for years. She really enjoyed grooming labradors, West Highland terriers and, particularly, poodles.
“How much I miss it!” she told Nicola Osborne, one of the Activities Coordinators at Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court, who also loves dogs. She added:
If I were still able to groom, maybe we could even open a business together!
Activities Coordinator Nicola Osborne said:
When I heard that, I made up my mind. I had to make this happen. When she said she liked grooming poodles, I immediately thought of my own dog, Dolly Parton.
Soon after, Nicola took her bichon frisé to Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court, along with some specialised grooming equipment. Dilys was able to put her skills into practice, shaping the affectionate dog’s fur like a bonsai master pruning minuscule branches. She smiled and said:
I’m amazed at all of the equipment that I have. Back in the day, I only had a hand-held drier and a pair of clippers!
Activities Coordinator Nicola Osborne makes use of the adjustable dog grooming table while resident Dilys starts trimming Dolly Parton’s fluffy white fur.
The Activities Coordinator adds:
It was like a duck to water. She’s still so knowledgeable!
[Summary: Dilys Waddington is a resident at Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court, in Porthcawl. She has always been fond of dogs. She has owned dogs all her life, and has bred and groomed many others. When she said she missed grooming dogs, one of the Activities Coordinators at the Home brought her own dog and grooming equipment for Dilys to use and enjoy.]